Failure To Show Humility Teaches Important Lesson

“And I will not give my glory to another.” (Isaiah 48:11) The Bible teaches us that there are two things God will not share: vengeance and glory. I learned a great lesson about the latter during a job interview several years ago. We all approach interviews pretty much the same way: We dress appropriately for them to make a good first impression. When the questions come, we answer them honestly, knowing all the time that it’s our chance to illustrate how our knowledge, skills and abilities are a […]

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A Father’s Love Is Unconditional

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) Most Christians understand the old law of sowing and reaping all too well. My son, however, came to understand it in a real and personal way when he was 15. It gave me an excellent opportunity to remind him just how much biblical principles continue to have application and meaning in our lives, not to mention a parable in which to share an important spiritual truth with you […]

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Turn To God In Times Of Frustration And Anger

“He shall judge the world in righteousness, and he shall administer judgment for the peoples in uprightness.” (Psalms 9:8) I am grateful for God’s grace and mercy in my life. I see it every day and often wonder, “Why me?” I also ask the same question when I get frustrated, even angry with God. For example, many years ago, my then eleven-year-old daughter telephoned me in a rush of panic and fear, 300 miles away. Sadly all I could do was listen. The distance between us prevented me […]

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What Were The Apostle Paul’s “Thorns In The Flesh”?

“There was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me.” (2 Corinthians 12:7) You can’t help but wonder what this “thorn in the flesh” was, but we know from Scripture that it kept Paul humble. It also ensured that his prayer life remained active. Theologians have offered a number of possibilities. Many have argued that Paul was talking about a speech impediment. There is some historical evidence that Paul was not a good speaker. Maybe he did suffer from stammering speech. […]

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