“For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” (Romans 6:14) It sure is great living under grace. But just because we live under grace, that doesn’t mean I can sin and move on with life as if nothing happened. It means that God will accept me in spite of sin in my life. Now that’s forgiveness with a capital “F”! We all know that grace is the unmerited favor of God. But John Piper, a Baptist pastor in Minnesota, […]
Share on FacebookThe One Time God Runs in the Bible
“And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son’.” (Luke 15:21) I know that God wrestled in the Bible, but it never hit me that God ran in the Bible, too. Why would an omnipotent, all-powerful God who created the universe ever run? The answer is found in Luke 15. The story, as it is told, chronicles the early adult life of a son, who after receiving his inheritance from his […]
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“So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:16) That’s a pretty powerful statement, especially considering the fact that Jesus said it. It certainly begs the question: Could Jesus be talking about my church? Actually, the church to which Jesus was referring to was the church at Laodicea. Laodicea was the last of the seven churches described by Jesus in Revelation. The Apostle John, now John the Revelator, was directed by Jesus in Revelation […]
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“I have waited for your salvation, O Lord.” (Genesis 49:18) We frequently receive emails from readers seeking answers to spiritual dilemmas that life brings their way. Without a doubt, the most frequently asked question I get concerns the assuredness of salvation. Recently, a reader wrote: “I love Jesus with everything in me. I have committed my life to him and truly believe. I just have a big problem really believing how Jesus could forgive me for messing up a lot; also accepting true assurance. I am searching for […]
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