Complete your "Spiritual 1040" this Year, Too!

“You cannot serve both God and Money.” (Luke 16:13) It’s income tax time. You probably just received your W-2 or 1099’s and now you’re getting your receipts together to prove what you did with all that money you made last year. Why not take a spiritual accounting, too. What did you do last year for the Lord with all that money and talent he gave you? We often think that God doesn’t care a lot about money. After all, the Bible discourages materialism and we all know that […]

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Tithing Has Little to Do With the Wallet

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) How we handle money reveals a great deal about the depth of our commitment to Christ. That’s why Jesus often talked about money. Money mattered then every bit as much as it matters today. Regrettably, it matters too much for some of us. If you don’t believe me, you’re probably going to have the opportunity before Spring comes to see just […]

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God’s Right in the Middle of the John Rocker Debacle

“Then Peter came to him and asked, ‘Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?’ ‘No!’ Jesus replied, ‘seventy times seven!’ ” (Matthew 18:21-22) I’m not sure I agree with some Americans who argue that John Rocker pitches something far more destructive than a baseball. But I do tend to agree with a friend of mine who suggested that he might have let his tongue get ahead of his brain. It was ironic that Rocker’s comments ignited civil rights and church leaders in […]

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Let God Help You With The Small Changes

“Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.” (Luke 17:33) Now that we’ve all survived the Y2K scare, we can look forward to what the next millennium will bring. After all, today isn’t just the first day of the new millennium, it’s also the first day of the rest of our lives. If you’re like me, you’ve already decided that 2000 is going to bring some major changes in your life. All those “New Year’s Resolutions” are […]

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