Our Walk With Christ Requires Perseverance

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1) There are times in my Christian walk when I wonder why I ever became a Christian. Salvation may have been free, but living the Christian life has cost me dearly. I’ve lost good friends, dropped some old habits, and stood up to speak against lifestyles to which I was […]

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Christian Conflict: God Empowers Us To Act Like Him

“Just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.” (I Peter 1:15) Several years ago, I was involved in settlement negotiations over some litigation that had been working its way through the courts for a lengthy period of time. I realized as I sat through an afternoon of discussions that the very principles, which originally prompted the lawsuit, had somehow gotten lost among all of those lawyers. While they argued over legal fees, the real issues about which we were supposed to […]

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God Is Faithful Through The Storms Of Life

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” (Psalms 37:74) We live in a world that teaches us that we are at the center of whatever success or failure we experience. You know the old saying, “There’s nothing you can’t accomplish, if you put your mind to it.” That all sounds real good, but it’s not true. Actually, it’s a form of humanism and we are peppered with it every day. So it’s no wonder we often face problems in our own lives with the notion […]

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The Real Blessings Of Life Come Through Faith

“By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.” (Hebrews 11:24-26) Hardly a day goes by that we don’t receive some kind of sweepstakes offer in the mail. Invariably the offer […]

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