Staying Close To God Helps Us Avoid Life’s Roadblocks

“I will open my mouth in parables. I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.” (Matthew 13:35) I enjoy parables. They are great teaching tools and were used by Jesus to convey spiritual truths that are often difficult to grasp. In Jesus’ case, he would use an everyday situation that happens in life to communicate how he felt we should live our lives, respond to life situations, etc. Jesus liked them so much that about forty of them, over a third of the […]

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The Value Of A Man’s Soul Is Priceless

“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36) Scientists tell us that the value of the human body in today’s market is less than $4.50. In other words, the chemicals and minerals found in our bodies have very little over-the-counter value. Obviously, our lives are priceless to our families, even though our bodies are not worth very much at all. The soul, however, is a whole different story. Notice in the above verse what Jesus said. […]

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Thorns In The Flesh

“There was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me.” (2 Corinthians 12:7) You can’t help but wonder what this “thorn in the flesh” was, but we know from Scripture that it kept Paul humble. It also ensured that his prayer life remained active. Theologians have offered a number of possibilities. Many have argued that Paul was talking about a speech impediment. There is some historical evidence that Paul was not a good speaker. Maybe he did suffer from stammering speech. […]

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Facing The Trials of Life With Joy

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials.” (James 1:2) History tells us that Thomas Edison invented the microphone, the phonograph, the incandescent light, the storage battery, movies with sound, and more than 1,000 other things. The truth is the quality of our lives has been immeasurably improved by the genius of a man who overcame dyslexia and found that there was a great deal to learn from the failures and trials that life brought his way. In 1914, the laboratory where many of […]

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