“Honor your father and your mother.” (Exodus 20: Tomorrow is a big day in the life of mothers. Our country has celebrated Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May ever since President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed it as a national holiday in 1914. But that’s just part of the story about how one of our nation’s most coveted days began. Strangely, the rest of the story has been forgotten. I guess it has given way to all the commercialism that Mother’s Day now carries with it. Its founder […]
Share on FacebookEvery Christian Will Face An Occasional Goliath
“So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.” (1 Samuel 17:50) One of the most influential Christians in my life is an attorney with whom I once worked. When we were in Atlanta on a business trip in the late1980’s, I took him to a favorite restaurant of mine. I was not saved at the time. In fact, salvation would not come my way for another two years. We both […]
Share on FacebookThe Thought of Heaven Can Brighten Up Your Day
“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” (Revelation 7:17) We have a nephew that celebrated his 14th birthday this week. The other day, he asked his dad, “Do you think they have cars in heaven?” When his dad asked him why, he said “well I know the Lord is coming soon and I hope that if I don’t get to drive a car here, I’ll get to drive one there!” It was ironic that he asked this question, especially since we don’t talk about heaven […]
Share on FacebookDon’t Judge Me Yet – There’s An Unfinished Part
“Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait til the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts.” (I Corinthians 4:5) Joel Hemphill, a great southern gospel songwriter, wrote a hit song in the 1970’s entitled “He’s Still Working On Me”. The first verse goes like this: “There really ought to be a sign upon my heart, ‘Don’t Judge Me Yet There’s An Unfinished Part’. But I’ll be perfect just according to his plan, Fashioned by […]
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